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Where do end investors trade ETFs?

End investors trade ETFs on the secondary markets, like stocks. Holding period performance deviations (tracking differences) are more useful than the standard deviation of daily return differences (tracking error). asset manager operations.

Are ETFs easy to trade?

ETFs are easy to trade, just like a stock. ETFs trade on the exchange thereby giving you flexibility to enter and exit at any time. Which means you can simply buy and sell an ETF via your broker, s ubject to prevailing trading liquidity and market prices at any time the stock market is open.

How do ETF units work?

As ETF units are traded on stock exchanges, so you can buy or sell them through a brokerage account, just like you would trade individual stocks during trading hours. You place an order with your broker specifying the number of units you want to buy or sell. What is the difference between ETFs and Unit Trusts?

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